Does Casper Mattress Have Fiberglass?

Today, Casper is synonymous with the mattress-in-a-box concept. Some people believe that all mattresses have fiberglass, but that is not true. Many popular mattress brands do not use the material or other toxic compounds. As a well-known brand, Casper now sells online and on Amazon too. But one big question customers ask is: Does Casper mattress have fiberglass?

Does Casper Mattress Have Fiberglass

Casper mattress does not have fiberglass. Other than being a budget friendly option, it doesn’t have this seemingly toxic reinforced plastic material many sleepers fear. There are no flame retarding chemicals too.

The Casper Element mattress also doesn’t have fiberglass. What does Casper use instead of fiberglass? The company opted to use silica in their memory foam mattresses.

But how do we know Casper is not made up of fiberglass?

What does Casper use instead of fiberglass

We made a phone call to the company and here is what they told us:

“None of our mattresses contain any of the materials you listed in your question above, nor do our mattress covers. Due to how we function, many of our products are manufactured locally per the domain… We operate in Europe, Canada and America currently, so it’s dependent upon where you purchase our mattress to an extent.”

Also, if you check the company’s website, they clearly state that their products do not contain fiberglass.

“The Casper mattresses do not contain any flame retardant chemicals. Our flame retardant is a proprietary woven silica sock that’s just under the cover. In the event of a fire, the sock melts on itself and suffocates the oxygen needed for the fire to burn.”

Watch Out So You Don’t Buy Fake Casper Mattress

This matters because we have seen people being sold fake Casper mattresses. Do not just walk into any store to buy it. The only place to get Casper Original and be sure about it is Casper Website.

We also did buy Casper Original and would like to confirm to you that it doesn’t contain any of the fiber. There are videos which will show you the mattress teardown. You won’t see any loose fiberglass in those videos. Another store also opened the outer cover of Casper to show customers what’s inside. No sign of the fibers.

Despite all these evidence, we’ve seen people making negative comments. One of the comments is indicated below:

“I’m currently dealing with a house full of fiberglass from my Casper mattress. Throwing most of my clothes away. The fiberglass “sock” will deteriorate, and taking off the cover will get it all over your room. It’s a nightmare.”

The case above seems to be a buyer swindled by a fake business.

What is Casper mattress made of?

How to Know Casper Mattress Doesn’t Have Fiberglass

There are multiple ways to tell if your mattress has fiberglass:

1. Casper does not have labels indicating its mattress contain the material. Check the mattress’s label to see what it’s made of. In that case, you will be looking for words like “fiberglass,” “glass wool,” and “glass fiber,” among others.

2. Casper doesn’t warn customers not to open zips on mattress covers. Read the manufacturer’s instructions for your mattress. If it says “do not remove the cover” (or something similar), it’s usually because it contains fiberglass.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Today, many mattresses come with zips on the covers, despite the fact that they say “do not remove cover.” The zip is usually a key part of the manufacturing process rather than a welcome for you to remove and change the cover. Don’t touch the zip on a mattress that has both a zip and a warning not to remove the cover!

Sure, you’d expect natural mattresses such as latex to have wool or cotton for a fire barrier rather than fiberglass. However, what is inside a memory foam mattresses if it isn’t fiberglass?

The answer is, thankfully, not all memory foams have fiberglass. There are many memory foam mattresses available that do not contain any fiberglass.

Those without fiberglass typically use silica, which is sometimes mixed with wool to create a fire barrier. There are a lot of mattress reviewers out there that tell you about different mattress types that don’t contain fiberglass, but I want to reassure you that you that it is possible to find high quality memory foam mattress without it!

Why is Fiberglass used in Some Memory Foam Mattresses?

The main reason mattress manufacturers use fiberglass is fire barrier. In the United States, federal law mandates that all mattresses contain a fire barrier or fire retardant. Fiberglass is a popular fire barrier due to its low cost and lack of toxicity (even though some people report allergies). It will melt in on itself (like liquid glass) whenever there is a fire outbreak, releasing no toxic fumes.

While fiberglass is non-toxic (we use it for insulation and other purposes throughout our homes), it can be extremely inconvenient if it gets into the wrong places.

Negative Effects of Fiberglass on Mattresses

Have you ever handled a wall-mounted insulation panel? It’s likely that it irritated you. Fiberglass fibers are extremely fine but pointy, which can irritate some people and cause itching.

It will be extremely difficult to clean up if fiberglass escapes from the mattress. Fine particles can get into your bedding, clothes, and floor… You might have to pay a lot of money to get rid of them.